Hi, I am Yuri Uno. I am currently a PhD student at National Chung Hsing Unviersity in Taiwan. My main research is SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence). I am trying to find an evidence that we are not only the civilization in the universe. Please click here for Japanese ver. (日本語のWebサイトはこちらをクリックしてください。)

automatic signal processing
To process large amount of data quickly, acurately and automatically, I am developping a deep learing model to find a SETI signal.

SETI signal search
The conservative method to do SETI is to look for a narrow band radio signal which can be distinguished with natural radio signal. I have been working on to find such artificial signal using VERA.

software development
In order to upgrade radio telescopes, we need both hardware and software developments. One of my main focus is to develop a new software to maximize the radio observation efficiency.

statistical analysis for astronomical data
It is imperative to use statistical methods to find meaningful information in astronomical data. In my latest research, I have modelled the distribution of OH/IR stars in the Galactic Disk using archived data of 1612 MHz OH masers.
Please reference my publication list at Google Scholar.
Our latest paper was featured in Universe Today.
The japanese translation of "How Many Intergalactic Radio Stations Are Out There?" by Universe Today was translated by TEXAL.
Memo for research travel.
Answers of past SOKENDAI exams.